IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Serverless Computing: State of the Art and Future Directions

Main Article Content

Arpita Tiwari Ruchi Saboo
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/i3/76


Serverless computing, epitomized by way of Function as a Service (FaaS), has emerged as a transformative paradigm redefining traditional techniques to software development and deployment. This evaluation paper gives a comprehensive examination of the state of serverless computing, delving into its architectural principles, key additives, and numerous applications. By scrutinizing each the opportunities and challenges inherent in serverless computing, the paper aims to present a nuanced knowledge of this dynamic technology. The architectural basis of serverless, rooted in an occasion-pushed version and statelessness, is explored for its implications on scalability and agility. The paper investigates diverse programs of serverless computing, which include its role in microservices architectures, integration with API gateways, and its skillability in real-time facts processing situations. Challenges dealing with serverless computing, along with bloodless begin latency and country control, are scrutinized, providing insights into modern mitigation strategies. Security considerations, encompassing isolation mechanisms, authentication, and authorization, are distinct to underscore the importance of securing the serverless execution surroundings. Looking in the direction of the destiny, the paper outlines ability instructions for serverless computing, envisioning integration with quantum computing, stronger developer tooling, and advancements in orchestration and workflow automation. Industry adoption tendencies and case studies highlight the current landscape, showcasing a hit implementations and regions for development.

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