IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Serverless Computing and AWS Lambda

Main Article Content

Neha Jain Nisha Sharma
» doi: 10.48047/ijfans/v10/i4/133


The main segment offers a thorough outline of serverless registering, digging into its key standards and standing out them from customary server-based structures. Through this investigation, the exploration clarifies the idea of occasion driven, auto-scaling, and pay-more only as costs arise registering that portrays serverless systems. The following sections discuss the architecture, execution model, and integration capabilities of AWS Lambda, AWS's pioneering serverless compute service. Case studies and real-world use cases are used to show how AWS Lambda can be used in a variety of industries and how versatile it is. To provide a comprehensive comprehension of the process of deploying serverless applications in a production environment, security considerations, performance optimization strategies, and best practices are also examined. Besides, the paper examines the financial ramifications of serverless registering, investigating cost structures, and investigating the potential for improving asset use. The conversation envelops AWS Lambda's part in encouraging advancement, lessening time-to-advertise, and upgrading designer efficiency. The exploration finishes up with a forward-looking conversation on what's in store patterns and difficulties in serverless registering, tending to the developing scene of cloud-local turn of events. The goal of this paper is to be a useful resource for developers, architects, and decision-makers who want to use serverless computing's transformative power in the AWS ecosystem.

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