IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Sculpting Narratives: Unveiling Vikram Seth's Distinctive Stylistic Tapestry in Selected Novels

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This study identifies the distinctive stylistic features of Vikram Seth's literary works, focusing on three seminal novels: "A Suitable Boy," "An Equal Music," and "Two Lives." Born on June 20, 1952, Seth has earned acclaim for his contributions to Indian English language poetry and novels, receiving prestigious awards for his versatile literary endeavors. Through a meticulous analysis, this study reveals Seth's mastery in crafting expansive narratives, evident in the detailed exploration of characters and societal intricacies in "A Suitable Boy." In "An Equal Music," Seth demonstrates his unique ability to intertwine music and emotion, employing metaphorical language for a sensory reading experience. The memoir-style narrative of "Two Lives" showcases Seth's versatility in seamlessly blending personal and historical elements. Findings highlight consistent stylistic elements such as attention to detail, vivid imagery, and a profound understanding of human emotions, reaffirming Seth's significant impact on contemporary literature. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of Seth's literary craftsmanship, emphasizing his enduring legacy in the Indian English language canon

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