IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Scope and Application of Solar Thermal Energy in India

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Umesh Kumar Singh


There are two types of energy sources and these are renewable (coal, petroleum, natural gas) and non-renewable. Solar energy has received a lot of interest in past decades as a simple and cost-effective sustainable power source for producing electricity. This article addresses the history of solar thermal energy in India, the Solar Heat Power Production Program in India, the benefits and drawbacks of solar thermal energy, and focusing solar power (CSP). Solar energy is a local sustainable power source that might help to minimize reliant on fossil fuels Solar energy is a versatile and environmentally responsible solution., as well as nation power stability, at a time when the world economy's long-term sustainability is threatened by dwindling global fossil fuel supply. Solar energy may be used in two different ways: solar photovoltaic and solar thermal. In this research, we look at how solar thermal energy may be used to generate electricity in India.

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