IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

School Lunch Programs and their Role in Childhood Nutrition

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Dr. Danesh B Potdar Dr. Prashant P Shah Mrs. Komal Sawant


This research explores the multifaceted role of school lunch programs in childhood nutrition, delving into their historical context, adherence to nutritional guidelines, impact on food security, contributions to academic performance, and the accommodation of diverse dietary needs. The findings underscore the pivotal role of these programs in promoting the well-being and development of students by providing balanced and nutritious meals. Key discoveries include the positive correlation between nutrition and academic achievement, the programs' impact on mitigating food insecurity, and the importance of accommodating diverse dietary needs for creating inclusive environments. Identified challenges, such as budgetary constraints, present opportunities for program improvement through community engagement, technology integration, and policy advocacy. This comprehensive examination emphasizes the critical significance of school lunch programs in shaping childhood nutrition and highlights the need for ongoing support and innovation in addressing challenges and optimizing their impact

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