IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Role of Women in Agriculture Sector: A Geographical Review

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Dr. B. N. Konade


India is developing and predominately agricultural economy. In India about 70%. of population is residing in rural area and out of that 60% households engage in agriculture as their main source of income. Nearly 63% of all economically activity men are engaged in agriculture as compared to 78% of women. Today there is growing realization and commitment of the global community to achieve more sustainable and broad-based agricultural growth by addressing women. Women farmers do have equal access to productive resource and this significantly limits their Protentional in enhancing productivity. The present paper shows that the contribution of women in agriculture is extremely significant. It also focused on the activity done by women in India. Women also faced obstacles by them in terms of less access and income to productive resource which do not recognized her works as productive member. In this paper discussed contribution of women in productive and non productive perspectives for developmental aspects

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