IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Vishwa Bhushan Mishra Dr. Bhanu Pratap Singh


All obstacles to cross-border transactions are vanishing in the era of globalised commercial commerce. Global trade can now be effectively conducted internationally because to the work of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). The commission has also methodically tried to harmonise laws across various jurisdictions and to create impartial legal organisations to oversee business dealings and cross-border transactions. The main subjects of this study are the UNCITRAL and its created Convention on Contract for International Sale of Goods (CISG), as well as their key characteristics, the duties of buyers and sellers under the CISG, and the arbitration rules of both the CISG and UNCITRAL. Throughout history, the regulations of private international law have primarily subjected international trade to a multitude of home legal systems. The legal systems of multiple countries were utilised to settle issues that arose from sales conducted internationally. A unified legal framework for the worldwide sale of products has not developed as easily because of the diversity of the different legal systems that have been used in court cases. In the process of global economic development, the selling of goods internationally plays a particularly important role. It's evolved into a new way of living in the post-recession period. A neglected area of integrated global economic development cannot continue to be the sale of commodities internationally. Thus, to achieve great success in the sphere of international commerce through consistent interpretation and execution of the requirements of UNCITRAL and CISG, it is imperative to have a vision supported by adequate research activities on the aforementioned subject topics. Thus, in order to make the current study more thorough and meaningful both theoretically and practically, it was designed to address each of these aspects

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