IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Robotics and Automation: A Mechanical Engineering Intervention in Sustainable Agriculture

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Prof. Prashant K.Kavale Prof. Praful G. Jawanjal Prof.Swapnil Mukadam Dr. Raju M. Sairise Prof. Pravin R. Dandekar


The integration of robotics and automation technologies in sustainable agriculture signifies a transformative paradigm shift in traditional farming methodologies. This paper explores the deployment and interaction of various components in the agricultural landscape, emphasizing the seamless collaboration between farmers and cutting-edge technologies. The deployment diagram encapsulates the key actors, including farmers, field monitoring systems, automated machinery, sensor networks, data analytics, pest control systems, and greenhouse systems, showcasing their interconnected roles in sustainable agriculture. Precision farming systems, automated planting and harvesting, sensor networks, and data analytics emerge as pivotal contributors to enhanced efficiency, optimal resource utilization, and informed decision-making. Real-time monitoring capabilities empower farmers to make data-driven decisions, fostering improved crop yields and sustainable agricultural practices. The integration of automated weeding and pest control systems not only reduces environmental impact but also aligns with eco-friendly farming initiatives. Greenhouse automation further extends the possibilities of controlled cultivation environments, ensuring year-round production and resource efficiency. While the benefits are substantial, challenges such as initial investment costs, technological complexities, and the need for comprehensive farmer training necessitate attention. Overcoming these challenges requires collaborative efforts among mechanical engineers, agricultural experts, and technology developers.

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