IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Review on Time Management Strategies

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Garima Rawat


Researchers work in a complicated setting and are responsible for a variety of roles. Distractions abound in this setting, which may sabotage productivity and efficiency. Effective time management enables researchers to stay focused on their task, resulting in increased research output. As a result, strengthening time management skills is critical to establishing and maintaining a successful research program. This article discusses time management methods that cover time evaluation, planning, and monitoring habits. The editorial staff of the Western Journal of Nursing Research suggests methods to improve time management, such as establishing realistic objectives, prioritizing, and maximizing planning, in this article. Maintaining concentration on a research program may be made easier by including a team, overcoming obstacles, and addressing possible distractions early on. Researchers can discover areas for improvement and acknowledge success by continuously assessing the efficacy of time management methods.

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