IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Divya Dwivedi, Lakshmi Mishra, Kamran Javed Naquvi, Arpita Choudhary, Shubham Sharma, Neeraj Jain, Neelam Jain


In the cosmetics and skincare industries, the effectiveness of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals is a topic of enormous interest and significance. With a special emphasis on Lipstick, this article tries to investigate the effectiveness of cosmetic items. Various regulatory agencies from various nations oversee the safety and effectiveness of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals in accordance with predetermined standards. The capacity of cosmetics to produce desired outcomes, such as enhancing look, improving texture, and offering skincare advantages, is referred to as effectiveness. In the cosmetics sector, lipstick maintains a unique position due to its widespread usage. It has extra advantages in addition to colouring the lips. Lipstick effectiveness may be evaluated in a number of ways, such as colour payoff, durability, moisturization, and protection. A crucial component of lipstick effectiveness is colour payoff. Lipsticks are available in a variety of vivid, saturated hues that may compliment various skin tones and improve the overall look of the face. The effectiveness of a lipstick in improving attractiveness is shown by its capacity to offer accurate, rich hues that remain true throughout the day. Another important consideration in determining lipstick effectiveness is longevity. Long-lasting colour from a high-quality lipstick should lessen the need for frequent reapplication. This guarantees that the chosen lip colour will stay intact and vivid for a long time, providing comfort and confidence to the user.

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