IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Review of Gig Economy's Impact on Modern HR Practices

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Ruchi Yadav, Dr. Madan Prasad Shivajirao, Dr.Anjani Kumar Singh


The gig economy, characterized by the prevalence of short-term contracts and freelance work arrangements, has significantly influenced modern human resource (HR) practices. This review examines the multifaceted impact of the gig economy on HR strategies in today's professional world. the gig economy has reshaped talent acquisition. Organizations are increasingly tapping into a global pool of freelancers and independent contractors, allowing them to access specialized skills on-demand. This shift necessitates HR departments to develop strategies for identifying, onboarding, and managing freelance talent effectively. HR policies and benefits have undergone transformation. Traditional employment structures with comprehensive benefits packages are being reevaluated. HR practitioners are now challenged to design more flexible compensation and benefits packages that cater to the needs of gig workers, ensuring retention and satisfaction. the gig economy has prompted the need for enhanced workforce planning and management. HR departments must balance the utilization of full-time employees with contingent workers to maintain agility and cost-effectiveness. This demands advanced HR analytics and workforce planning tools to optimize resource allocation

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