IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Review of Consumer Loyalty through Traditional Grocery Business Marketing Methods

Main Article Content

Rita Telang, Dr More Tarachand Ambar


This review explores the effectiveness of traditional marketing methods employed by grocery businesses in fostering consumer loyalty. Traditional methods include print advertising, instore promotions, loyalty programs, and personalized customer service. The study analyzes recent research and case studies to assess how these strategies influence consumer behavior and enhance brand loyalty. Key findings highlight the importance of personalized customer experiences, effective communication strategies, and the role of loyalty programs in retaining customers. The review discusses challenges faced by traditional grocery businesses in the digital age and proposes strategies to adapt marketing efforts to evolving consumer preferences. This review provides insights into optimizing traditional marketing approaches to strengthen consumer loyalty in the competitive grocery market.

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