IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Reevaluating Colonial Narratives: Decentring The British Perspective

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Hardeep Kaur


India developed and maintained the British Empire overseas. After conquering India, the British obtained wealth, industrial capital, and skilled manpower to extend their empire. British conquest of India and borrowing and exporting human resources to India were related to this massive immigrant group and its global spread. British conscription, military recruiting, criminal banishment, and bonded labor transferred Indians to other colonies. This led to the global Indian Diaspora as many Indian businesses emigrated. The previous decade has focused on digitizing colonial archives. We examine Dutch laws and various Dutch undertakings in this sector to answer our main question: can digitalizing colonial archival legacies decolonize them? Decolonizing colonial legacies seems contradictory since recordkeeping methods are colonial. Digitizing archives involves new recordkeeping systems that connect old documents to current consumers. We suggest decolonizing these archives by understanding the complexity of the new digital archival infrastructure's components. We explore strategies to establish archive infrastructures that decolonize colonial legacies via multivocality, varied agency, and different provenance, inspired by the third-space perspective and (de)coloniality. Third-space infrastructure frameworks provide exciting opportunities to decolonize colonial archives

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