IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Public Health Initiatives to Reduce Sugar Consumption in Children

Main Article Content

Dr. Shekhar M. Kumbhar Dr. Rajsinh V. Mohite Dr Danesh B Potdar


The escalating rates of childhood obesity, type 2 diabetes, and dental issues underscore the urgent need for effective strategies to reduce sugar consumption in children. This abstract encapsulates a comprehensive exploration of practical and evidence-based approaches aimed at fostering healthier dietary habits among the younger generation. The multi-faceted approach involves education, environmental changes, and the promotion of healthier choices, with an emphasis on collaboration between parents, caregivers, educators, healthcare professionals, and policymakers.The introduction delves into the health risks associated with excessive sugar intake, setting the stage for understanding the gravity of the issue. It explores the factors influencing children's dietary choices, examining behavioral, environmental, and socio-economic dimensions. From there, the document transitions to a detailed discussion of practical strategies, providing actionable steps for parents, caregivers, and educators.These strategies include leading by example, educating children about nutrition, reading nutrition labels together, and limiting sugary drinks. The importance of choosing whole fruits over processed snacks, involving children in meal preparation, and controlling portion sizes is emphasized. Encouraging healthy snacking, promoting balanced meals, and being creative with desserts contribute to a holistic approach.Beyond the family environment, the abstract discusses the role of schools in shaping children's dietary habits and advocates for policies that limit the availability of sugary snacks and drinks in educational settings. Seeking support from healthcare professionals is highlighted as a critical component, ensuring personalized guidance for families navigating concerns about their child's diet and health

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