IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Puberty and Menstruation Health Education- Role of parents and Teachers: A systematic Review

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Pushpalata Bansode, Basheer Hasan


According to world health organization a person aged 10-19 years considered as adolescence, and transition period between the childhood and adulthood is called puberty, it is marked with the growth and development of child, during this period physical, psychological and biological developmental changes affect both genders differently. It represents a period of profound transition in terms of drives, motivation, emotion, psychology and social life. Present reviews try to find out the relationship between puberty and menstrual health in adolescents and the role of parents and teachers. A literature search using J-Gate, Google Scholar, review Science Direct, Research gate, Academia, a data base covering the period from 2000-2022 was conducted. The author reviewed studies with certain inclusion and exclusion criteria. Search terms were puberty, menstrual health and hygiene education and role of parents and teachers. After examining different types of empirical papers it was found that in most of the studies this variable (menstrual health education) has been ignored by the researchers working this area of research in India. Methodological and theoretical issues have been discussed

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