IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Proximate Composition & Mineral Content In Muscle Tissue Of Lutjanus Johnii (Bloch, 1792) Captured From Coastal Waters Of Mumbai, West Coast Of India

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Hitesh U. Shingadia


Background: Seafood has long been recognized as a valuable source of high-quality protein in the human diet with the consolidation of various biochemical compositions viz., moisture, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins & many other essential constituents required to maintain the life processes. Lutjanus johnii (Bloch, 1792) occurs in abundance in the coastal waters of the IndoWest Pacific along the West Coast of India. Apart from aquaculture, fish is also used as gamefish & noted for its nutritious flesh. Objective: Bioaccumulation of minerals through pathways like food ingestion, particulate matter, gills and integument ionic exchange. The minerals perhaps get absorbed into the blood and transported to the organs for either storage or excretion. With this objective the present investigation on the proximate composition of the muscle tissue of Lutjanus johnii was assessed to know the its variations. Results: The occurrence of biochemical composition and minerals in muscle tissue of Lutjanus johnii showed seasonal variation. Total protein content of fish varied from 11.52-18.55 G% while, the carbohydrate content ranged from 1.05-2.41 G%. Highest amount of lipid content was observed to be 4.75 G% that gradually declined during the winter season with lowest value amounting to 2.47 G% in the month of October’21. Moisture and ash content ranged from 70.28-77.37 G% and 1.59-3.32 G% respectively. The bioaccumulation of the minerals was observed to vary seasonally and correlated with feeding habits, habitat and the bio-concentration capacity of fish. Discussion: The study revealed that shellfishes collected from Versova fish landing centre, Mumbai nutritious for human consumption and with potential for generating revenue through export. However, the occurrence of contaminants other than the minerals under study cannot rule out the risk and needs to be further investigated before affirming these seafood commodities safe for consumption. Conclusion: The importance of shellfish cannot be ruled out as it forms an essential rich nourishment to mankind. It is essential to periodically monitor these aquatic resource be for their safety on consumption. The shellfishes are a major component of the marine ecosystem with tremendous export potential; thus assessment of the minerals is primarily vital.

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