IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Dr. Rajni Kumari


The present research work deals with the study of positive and negative impact of globalization on our day-to-day life. The effect of globalization is directly reflecting from nature destruction which in turn affect our healthy life and the success of any nation move parallel with the health of nation. This paper also strongly tried to aware the society about the major challenge which are reflecting directly through health issues which in turn already give an alarming signal at global level. This paper assumes to ignite a fire in the mind of people regarding the fact that Globalization convert the whole world into a small village but it should not be a curse to our nature, our mother earth. The each and every line of this paper should be the voice of people for the upliftment of society in a restricted mode without causing any side effect on public health, nature`s beauty and other species. We all must welcome the globalization by following government norms & policies touching every sphere of nature. Our current paper reveals to show the involvement of social sciences along with physical and chemical sciences in globalization and how government introduce laws in constitution to restrict the negative comeback of the globalization in current scenario.

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