IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Promoting Sustainable Diets for Human and Environmental Well-being

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Dr. Ganesh Thorat, Dr. Arun S. Sansuddi Mrs. Komal Sawant


Ten criteria are used in this study to assess the sustainability of a particular diet; each criterion clarifies a different aspect of the food's influence on the environment, conservation strategies, and health implications. The diet's numeric rating of 90 indicates that it is dedicated to lowering greenhouse gas emissions, which is indicative of its commitment to decreasing its carbon footprint. The biodiversity impact, which is rated at 85, emphasizes sustainable and conservation-friendly farming methods as well as the preservation of species. With a score of 80, water use efficiency highlights the diet's emphasis on wise water use, mainly supporting plant-based options. An adherence to reduced land requirements, in line with sustainable measures to lessen deforestation and protect ecosystems, is shown in a land use efficiency score of 85.With a score of 80, the nutritional content criterion highlights the diet's focus on being sustainable and high in nutrients, acknowledging the connection between environmental health and human health. The diet's emphasis on promoting local agriculture and mitigating the environmental effects of long-distance transportation is highlighted by the 75-rated local and seasonal eating plan. The diet's reduction in red meat consumption, measured at 85, emphasizes its recognition of the resource-intensive aspect of meat production and its dedication to leaving a less environmental impact.

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