IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Problems with Information Reliability in Remote Patient Monitoring

Main Article Content

Shambhu Bhardwaj


An increasing number of extramural applications in the personal healthcare industry provide new challenges in terms of medical data security. This article focuses on remote patient monitoring systems and information reliability issues. Instead of being collected by healthcare professionals in a supervised medical environment using authorized medical equipment, medical data is collected by individuals at their homes without supervision. As a consequence, healthcare professionals will have to place greater trust in patient information. It is proposing a variety of ways to address this issue, all of which decrease risks while retaining high information dependability. The growing number of older people, which results in rising healthcare costs, is one of the drivers for innovative methods to healthcare delivery. Furthermore, the expenses are rising due to an increase in the number of chronic illnesses, which account for the majority of the expenditures.

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