IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Precision Agriculture for Enhanced Crop Management: Leveraging Technology in Hops Classification

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Puneet Shetteppanavar, K. Kavya, K. Gayathri, Manisha


Agriculture, the foundation of civilization, supports life and industries. Growing worldwide populations and changing climates require innovative food production technologies. Precision agriculture uses technology to streamline processes, reduce resource waste, and boost yields. Advanced crop classification, especially in hops, may change this field. Manual labor and simple instruments dominated traditional agriculture. Veteran farmers used leaf shape, color, and fruiting qualities to classify crops. Although effective, this system was time-consuming, error-prone, and unsuitable for large-scale farming. Technological advances have enabled more advanced methods. Several key elements promote precision hops classification. The brewing sector, a major hops user, requires cultivars with distinct Flavors and aromas. Proper classification assures hops grown to these standards. Crop management must optimize water, nutrients, and pest control to meet sustainability goals. Improved crop classification boosts yields and market prices, helping farmers survive. Developing an advanced hops categorization system is the difficulty. This system would use advance machine learning and computer vision to distinguish hop varietals. The purpose is to enable rigorous crop management and ensure harvested hops meet brewing industry quality standards. Hops classification is a major agricultural advance. Hop plant photos are analyzed using cutting-edge technologies including machine learning algorithms and computer vision. These models, trained on large datasets, can spot small distinctions that humans cannot. The system learns to classify hop varietals with great accuracy. A more efficient and precise hop crop management system yields higher-quality hop harvests for the brewing sector. This innovative strategy boosts farmer yields and resource efficiency and assures a consistent, high-quality brewing supply chain.

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