IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Poverty and Children’s Right to Food and Nutrition: A Study of Child Beggars in India’s Punjab State

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Gurdeep Singh , Satnam Singh Deol


The study is an attempt to examine the status of the right to food and nutrition of the child beggars in India’s Punjab state. The study has been conducted while applying the qualitative research methods and techniques including the formal interviews, focussed group discussions and the non-participatory observations. The study reveals the dismal picture of the access of the child beggars to the right to food and nutrition. As per the findings of the study, most of the child beggars do not get prescribed number of meals per day. Child beggars get food insufficient to the level of their hunger as well as requirement for their physical and mental growth. In most of the cases, the food made available to the child beggars is unhygienic. It obviously hinders the physical and mental growth of the children belonging to the tender age groups.

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