IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Post-war American Trilogy with Special Reference to James Jones’s Novels

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Dr. Regin Sam S.


This study focuses on the war trilogy written by James Jones and criticise that Jones GI characters are finding the materials of American World War II soldier’s popular civilization figure in their own time and in the decades that followed. All the novels of Jones’s From Here to Eternity, The Thin Red Line, and Whistle subjects the influences of both the historic American representative Soldier’s capacity , fluidity and thirty years serves the contemporary life of adaptability. At the same while the central figure of the study portrays new understandings of Jones characters are connected with the figure of modern soldier’s traditional American characters. The study also offers by showing how Jones secondary soldiers rework the figure of the colonial yeoman in post-war American society. The people of Weberian affect in the organisation of post-war American culture, and ended by criticizing their response to America in Vietnam.

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