IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Pollution Control and Remediation of Rural Water Resource Based on Urbanization Perspective

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Amit Kumar


Traditional water management pollution management approaches in rural regions are characterized by low water resource usage rates and high control costs. As a result, from the viewpoint of urbanization, this research presents techniques for controlling and remediating water resource contamination in rural regions. The marginal analysis approach is utilized to calculate the excess water management demand in Anhui province's urbanisation process, a dynamic connection model of urbanisation and water needs is built, and the model is used to achieve pollution control and rehabilitation of rural water resources. A comparison experiment is aimed to verify the efficiency of the given approach. The findings demonstrate that after the remedial work, the degree of pollution of rural groundwater sources was significantly decreased, and the utilisation cost of water resource base was highly improved, indicating that perhaps the presented approach had a better environmental protection and correction effect, and could advertise the sustained growth of urbanisation.

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