IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Akhil Babu ,Dr. Rupali R Bawa, Dr. Nitin Chandurkar, Dr. Pavan R Gulhane, Dr. Priyanka Chauhan, Dr. Shrikrushna Atmaram Deokar


With world’s advancement in the health sector, no significant control over disease is seen. Rather, new health issues are out and many struggle to find remedial solution for the same. Hence the ayurvedic concept of rasayana therapy paves the ray of light. Rasayana (rejuvenation) therapy focuses on protection of oja(normal proportion of immune factor) by promoting strength and alleviation of disease. To get all the benefits of rasayana therapy, agni along with three dosha should be in balance. But these days most people are accustomed to unhealthy dietary habits end up with more consumption of certain rasas, preferably amla lavana katu kshara which intern cause pitta vitiation. Pitta in its normalcy is said to be ojaskrit (immune developer) and, on vitiation, brings ojovikruti (immune depletion). This article put forwards the concept of ojavisramsa caused by vitiated pitta initiated by depletion of agni due to the over indulgence in gramyaaahara (urbanized food) which hinders the attainment of proper beneficial effect of administered rasayana. Henceforth sarvarasaabhyasa (use of all six tastes) and equilibrium of three dosha, especially pitta dosha should be considered prior to rasayana therapy.

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