IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Perspectives on Pollution free technologies for vehicles

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B Kiran Kumar, Y Saiteja , B Varshith Reddy


This article mainly focuses on innovative methods of producing energy (electricity) using renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy in cars and railways. The rail and road sectors are the largest passenger and freight transport systems. It uses current for lighting, fans, and air conditioning of passenger trains, AC buses, cars, etc. The current maximum number of cars and railways use diesel or electricity supplied through the network. Fuel (diesel and petrol) may run out over some time. An innovative way to generate electricity in moving cars and trains is the technology of renewable energy sources. The surface design of heavy cars and trains must be modified to accommodate solar panels to generate electricity, and another innovative method is to use the wind blowing against the cars and the train's torque. generate electricity. These innovative methods reduce the costs that cars and railways use for current consumption.

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