IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Personal, Socio economic, Psychological and Communicational Attributes of the Farmers’ Practicing Diversified Farming Systems (DFS)

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Dr. Aditya Lama and Prof. Souvik Ghosh


This paper presents an assessment of personal, socio economic, psychological and communicational attributes of the farmers’ practicing DFS which was conducted during 2016- 2021 in four districts, 12 blocks purposively selected and 16 villages randomly selected from North Bengal of hilly and terai regions having distinct agro climatic condition, farming systems, and socio-economic livelihood conditions. The agriculture and allied sector is where the study's diverse farming practices are prevalent. In addition, 20 farmers from each village were randomly picked for a total of 320 respondents in the case of respondent selection. In the present study data was generated through sample survey of farmers by personal interview method using pretested well-structured interview schedule. The study indicates that the farmers practicing DFS with majority (77%) are of middle age group of 36-50 with nearly half of the respondents having average operational land holding up to 1.4 ha. The results revealed that education, economic motivation, extension contact, extension participation, mass media exposure, independency, risk orientation and innovativeness of farmers had a positive and significant relationship with their perception and extent of knowledge. Moreover, the adoption of crop-based DFS practises has been determined by the farmers' psychological characteristics. Furthermore, these key socioeconomic and psychological aspects might be implicated under DFS should be given more attention and consideration via concentrated efforts while developing various development plans and programmes for farmers in the research region to increase farmer capacity so that hilly and terai agricultural systems may be improved and farm livelihoods can be enhanced

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