IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Perception towards Plastic Money in Online Transaction; A Special Reference toKanyakumari District

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J. Jayaseelan, Dr. C. Arul Mary Thangam, Dr. A. Venkateswaran


In the fastgrowing world,digital technology and digitalization play amajor role in all aspects.The withdrawal of cash from bank accounts and payment of retail transactions havealso been done digitally. This situation is true in trading transactionstoo which means, buying and selling of goods and services are done online and paymentsmadethrough plastic card/money and digital cash. Online shopping is one of the forms of e-commerce which has now become a part of daily life style. It is a better marketing tool of business enterprises and it promotes healthy relationship among the customers.

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