IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Overview of Literature on Dimensions of Religious Tourism

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Sudeshna Gupta


One of the major portions of international tourism is conducted because of the religious faith among the tourists. Present-day religious tourism has incorporated the desire of tourists to visit places for different attractive components, while the religious faith also remains at the center. The concept of traditional pilgrimage is also found to undergo philosophical changes. Because of its enormous impact on the socio-cultural and economic ambiance of the tourist spots, as well as on the country and world by large, researchers have found interested to analyze this form of tourism from diverse perspectives. In this quest, several opinions about religious tourism, its origin, and its vast impact have been presented. Several dimensions of religious tourism have been identified. The present study is a survey of literature where the major research works in this field are studied. The perspectives and dimensions presented by different scholars have been noted and illustrated. The study provides a framework of major religious tourism studies conducted so far and also unbolts future research avenues for the identification of new perspectives, opinions, and dimensions to further enrich the research arena on religious tourism by application of mixed methodology approach taking both qualitative and quantitative methodology into consideration.

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