IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Organoleptic Evaluation and Cost analysis of Black Rice Flour and Flax Seed Flour incorporated Value added “Sev”

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Kushwaha Pratibha , Paul Virginia


Customers wants food that is wholesome low in fat organic high in fibre and low in calories that’s why customer desire a single cuisine that provides all the advantages as well as one that is pleasant and had good sensory qualities the deep fried “Sev” with black rice and flax seed incorporated will serve as the product that satisfies all consumer demands and will also help in maintaining the low calories diet that people with diabetes as well as overweight can enjoy as people currently have gluten allergies and are unable to consume traditional products like deep fried “Sev” with black rice and flax seed incorporated can be one only substitute for the traditional products.The purpose of the present study Organoleptic Evaluation and Cost analysis of Black Rice Flour and Flax Seed Flour incorporated Value added “Sev”. The desired outcome of the present study was assessed the sensory attributes of value-added deep fried “Sev” prepared by incorporation of Black Rice Flour and Flax Seed Flour, organoleptic analysis of value added “Sev” done by AOAC method followed by statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA), (C.D) techniques and “t-test” and cost estimation. Standard recipe “Sev” served as a control (T0) with three treatment combinations, were prepared by replacing White Rice Flour with different ratio of Black Rice Flour and Flax Seed Flour which were referred as T1,30:60 :10 gm T2, 20:65:15 gm and T3 25:70 :5 gm respectively. Value added “Sev” are distinguished by the crunchy and crispy texture and improved organoleptic characteristics. They were analyzed on Nine Point Hedonic Scale score card for different sensory attributes. The result revealed that T2 (9) was found to be the most acceptable regards to its overall proportion followed by T1(6.6), T0 (6.7) and T3 (7.0) were liked moderately by the Sensory Panel Members respectively. Thus, it was deduced from the findings that adding Black Rice Flour and Flax Seed Flour to enhanced "Sev" at varying degrees may enhance their sensory qualities. This lowers the expenses without sacrificing their acceptability or reasonableness as compared to the going rate in the market.

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