IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Nutritional Interventions in the Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease

Main Article Content

Dr. Jayant R. Pawar Dr. Arun S. Sansuddi Mrs. Komal Sawant


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a pervasive health concern, imposing significant burdens on individuals and healthcare systems globally. This comprehensive review explores the multifaceted landscape of CKD, focusing on prevention through nutritional interventions. The discussion encompasses the epidemiology and risk factors of CKD, emphasizing the pivotal role of early detection. Diagnostic methods and the clinical staging of CKD set the stage for a detailed exploration of dietary strategies. From blood pressure regulation and glycemic control to protein intake moderation and phosphorus-calcium balance, the review provides nuanced insights into nutritional interventions tailored to specific stages and individual needs.The evolving field of precision medicine is highlighted, emphasizing the potential to personalize dietary approaches based on genetic and metabolic factors. Challenges, including socioeconomic disparities and cultural variations, are acknowledged, prompting a call for innovative solutions. The role of technology in CKD prevention, encompassing digital health and telehealth interventions, emerges as a promising avenue for enhancing accessibility and effectiveness.As we look to the future, research gaps and opportunities in early biomarkers, longitudinal studies, and economic evaluations are identified. Environmental factors and the influence of social determinants on CKD risk are underscored, necessitating a holistic and inclusive approach

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