IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Nutritional Considerations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

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Dr. Vaishali V. Raje Dr. Aparna G. Pathade Mrs. Ujwala R. Mane


Eating disorders pose intricate challenges necessitating a multifaceted treatment approach that addresses both the physical and psychological dimensions of these conditions. This paper examines the pivotal role of nutritional considerations in the comprehensive treatment of eating disorders. Beginning with a thorough nutritional assessment, the treatment plan integrates strategies such as gradual weight restoration, balanced and flexible eating patterns, psychoeducation, and the incorporation of mindful and intuitive eating practices. Collaboration with mental health professionals in an interdisciplinary framework is emphasized to holistically address the complex nature of eating disorders. Ongoing monitoring, psychoeducational follow-up, and the recognition of challenges in sustaining nutritional improvements are crucial for fostering long-term recovery. The synthesis of these key findings underscores the importance of individualized, evidence-based care in achieving sustained well-being for individuals on the path to recovery from eating disorders. Implications for clinical practice highlight the need for a collaborative and holistic approach, while future research directions aim to further refine and advance treatment modalities in this dynamic field.

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