IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Municipal Solid Waste Management in India

Main Article Content

Amit Kumar


The majority of non-hazardous organic waste from a metropolis, town, or village that has to be collected and transported on a regular basis to a processing or disposal facility is referred to as municipal solid waste (MSW). MSW sources include individual houses, business organizations and institutions, as well as industrial sites. This paper discusses the overview of municipal management waste in India, Challenges of MSW in India and Public–private partnership in MSWM in India. The necessary circumstances for maximizing the advantages of public-private partnerships, as well as the obstacles and unnoticed character of rag-pickers, are also explored. The paper indicates that in developing nations like India, the construction of devolved solid waste processing facilities in major cities/towns and the growth of the formal recycling industrial sector are critical. This studies help in future study to understand the community hard waste organization in India.

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