IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Microplastic Segregation from Sewage Water

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B Kiran Kumar1,M Sridevi Madhumitha2, S Sailaja Madhu Sri3, A Jwalitha4
» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/11/S7/018


A growing volume of microplastics is found in the environment, including the sea, and in food and drinking water. Once in the environment, microplastics do not biodegrade and tend to accumulate - Unless they are made particularly to biodegrade in the open environment. Hence there is an intense need to recycle them. But to recycle, the disposed microplastics should be collected and segregated from all the other wastes. The collection process is highly challenging in the present generation with available technology. This project seeks for giving a solution that might be easily implemented in larger level segregation on microplastics. Oil-Spill Residueis proved to adsorb free microplastics that are suspended in water. When Ferrous Oxide powder is also added to this mixture, it creates a surface for the Oil Mixture to be accommodated. Since Ferrous Oxide is magnetic in nature, it will be removed using Magnet with which the Oil- Spill Residue is also be removed.

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