IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Microfinance: An investigation of the poverty alleviation strategy in rural India

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Dr. Pooja Bhardwaj


Financial system of a nation assumes critical function in advancing the financial movement and development of economy. The advancement of the country don't just identifies with better framework and new procedures however it additionally incorporates the human improvement file. Microfinance is a wellspring of monetary administrations for business visionaries and independent companies lacking admittance to banking and related administrations. Microfinance money is arising as an incredible instrument for neediness easing in the new economy. Past the direct connected with neediness decrease, it is a circuitous connection to address the issues of wellbeing, instruction and sex. Microfinance money cover utilization and creation advances, yet will likewise incorporate other acknowledge needs, for example, lodging and safe house upgrades. Ladies comprise a lion's share of clients of microfinance credit and investment funds administrations.

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