IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Siddha system of medicine is attributed to have originated from Lord Siva who explained it to his consort Shakthi .The lineage is Nandi,Dhanvantri ,Agasthiyar ,Pulathiyar and Therayar{1].Siddhar Therayar called oils as Ezhuthu.Medicated oil prepared by extracting drug substances in oil.Though it indicates the Sesame oil generally,Oil the vegetableoil could be used.Medicated oil classified into twelve types based on origin and five varieties by the mode of applications.Self life of medicated oil is one year. Apart from medicated oils animal fats are also used in the siddha System of medicine for the Drug preparation some of this have highly nutritive value.Medicated oil get their names based on the ingredient of preparation or primary disease which the oil to be used.

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