IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Media Promotion Is Going To Be A Big Challenge In Terms Of The Rapid Variation In Marketing Prices

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Dr. Asok Biswas


An adapt use of communication will clearly become an important, perhaps the most important competitive advantage for business. It offers a chance to create new business models and to find out entirely new ways of doing things, and provides opportunities for building new relationship with existing customers and for tapping markets that were previously hard to reach. Advertising attracts consumer attention and communication has always been at the center of the industry. The introduction of television advertising 50 years ago bought about a revolution in advertising. Suddenly, companies could reach customers in their homes, simultaneously and nationally, and more vividly than had been possible with the printed page or the radio or other mediums. The effect was to transform retailing and to boost the power of brands.

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