IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Measuring The Effects Of Forgiveness, Psychological Resilience And Emotional Intelligence On The Life Satisfaction Of University Students

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Dr Lav Kumar Singh, Pinki Kumari, Prakash Bhushan, Abhay Kumar, Aayushi Rani, Dr Ruma Kumari Sinha


Our research aimed to investigate the impact of forgiveness, psychological resilience, and emotional intelligence on students' life satisfaction at LN Mithila University in Darbhanga, Bihar. We selected a sample of 300 students from various courses and departments using purposive-cum-incidental sampling. To measure these variables, we employed Diener's (1985) Life Satisfaction Scale, Thompson & Snyder's (2003) Heartland Forgiveness Scale (HFS), Smith et al.'s (2008) Brief Resilience Scale (BRS), and Mangal's Emotional Intelligence Inventory (MEII). Analysing the collected data using the t-test revealed that forgiveness and psychological resilience significantly impact university students' life satisfaction. However, emotional intelligence does not seem to affect their overall satisfaction with life.

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