IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Posha Parveen,Dr. Syed Muzamil Khurshid


The advent of the industrial economy facilitated the transition from a production-oriented culture to one that revolved around consumption. In ancient family systems, houses were self-reliant and produced all essential commodities, encompassing shelter, sustenance, and attire. The shift from producers to consumers has had a significant influence on the marital structure. The citation is derived from Sinha's publication in 1984.The trends of increasing levels of education among women and decreasing fertility rates were initiated. These modifications have led to increased prospects for women outside of the household realm and diminished the economic reliance between genders. The source cited is Leete's work from 1994. The increase in divorce rates has led to a shift in the way marriage is viewed, no longer solely as an economic and reproductive institution. This change has opened up many opportunities in modern society. Although certain societal incentives for marriage still exist, the dominant cultural expectation of marrying primarily for financial motives has greatly declined. In the post-modern age, there has been a rise in the occurrence of cohabitation, solo parenting, couples opting not to have children, and the societal acceptance of same-sex unions.

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