IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Mankind Obligations to Future Generations and The Natural World in The Face of Climate Change

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Bahaderjeet Singh, Pratibha


For years, researchers have been studying the effects of climate change. Many things concerning the pre-human state of the Earth have been uncovered by the fossil record. Due to the fact that our scientific capabilities have enabled us to determine the exact age of the universe and the world, this era is one of a kind. On the other hand, there are a great number of things that we do not comprehend, and some of the questions that we are still asking may have an impact on our lives in the years to come. There is a continuing discussion among scientists and the general public on the nature of this shift, despite the fact that our civilization is experiencing a clear warming on Earth. As a result of this, teachers are obligated to assist students in acquiring the most recent and accurate information in order to influence their own thoughts and decisions in a world that is always evolving. Long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns are examples of climate change induced by humans. Increasing temperatures around the world and unpredictable weather patterns are the most obvious signs of climate change. In recent times, it has developed into a worldwide emergency that puts both human and non-human lives in peril. The primary contributors to climate change are the destruction of forests and the significant rise in emissions of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) that have resulted from the combustion of fossil fuels and coal in the most recent decades. The increase in natural disasters, the rise in sea levels, the decrease in crop production, and the disappearance of biodiversity are all caused by climate change.

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