IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Managing Lifestyle Changes for Better Living: Perspective of Women in India

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R.Babita,M.Uma Maheswari


Any life is life filled with change. Change can be felt anywhere and at any point of time. Sometimes it’s known and at other times it may come suddenly and unexpectedly. It may either be disappointing or a pleasant surprise. One cannot control change but can definitely learn how to manage it. The study is conducted as an attempt to analyse the various changes that have gradually become part of women’s lives. It aims to understand the way women have managed to accustom to these lifestyle changes either voluntarily or forcefully. Well-structured questionnaire through google forms was used to collect primary data needed to support the study. Analysis of data was done on the basis of the responses received from 120 women from various walks of life. Convenience sampling method was adopted. Factor analysis constricted the identified changes into 9, out of which change in food/eating habits followed by self-care changes were found to be significant. The study concluded that women in India were easily adaptable to these lifestyle changes.

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