IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Management of Internal Haemorrhoids with Panchasam Vati Orally and Daruharidra Nimba Malhar Locally: A case study

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Dr. Ujwala Patil, Dr. Amarprakash Dwivedi


Haemorrhoids is well known diseases found in proctology. Haemorrhoids have symptoms such as pain and bleeding from anal region along with prolapse of anal cushion. In Modern Medicine, established treatments includesdiet lifestyle modification, Sclerotherapy,Cryosurgery and surgery such as excision of Haemorrhoids, DGHAL etc in advanced stage. In Ayurvedic perspective, Haemorrhoids are similar to Gudarsha. Acharya Sushruta describes four different treatment modalities like Bheshaj, Agnikarma, Ksharkarma and Shastra karma Chikitsa.

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