IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Malware Evasive Mechanisms: A Comprehensive Review and Future Directions

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Harika K


Malware's incessant evolution necessitates a thorough exploration of its evasive mechanisms. This comprehensive research paper delves into the intricate landscape of malware evasion, categorizing and analyzing polymorphic techniques, encryption, obfuscation, dynamic code loading, and anti-analysis strategies. Highlighting the challenges in detecting evasive malware, we assess the limitations of current detection methods and present strategies for mitigation, including the role of machine learning. Real-world case studies offer insights into successful evasion tactics, informing a forward-looking discussion on future directions. Proactive measures, such as threat intelligence sharing and emerging technologies, are proposed to fortify cybersecurity against the dynamic threats posed by evasive malware

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