IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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This paper mainly concentrates on Mahatma Gandhi’s Life and Freedom Struggle.Mahatma Gandhi came to be known as Mahatma (great soul) for the courageous, selfless, andnon violent methodologies that characterized the way Mahatma Gandhi lived as well as hisattempts at instilling reform for the betterment of his fellow citizens and the world. In thischapter we look at the wisdom that can be gleaned from an individual who was neither simpleto understand, nor a stranger to error or to defeat, but who continues to inspire many andinterest many more. We attempt to describe the path to learning proposed by this man whowas also an exceedingly shrewd tactician and strategist. Mahatma Gandhi taught us that anindividualcantrainhimselforherselftobecometransparentandopenandalsocreatesynergyandcooperationbetweeneducation,training,employment,andthecommunity,striving always for continuous improvement. Gandhi was a performance manager for thecountry and a supremely practical leader for change. Mahatma Gandhi believed that truth,tolerance, sacrifice, joy, and the nonviolent rejection of tyranny were the very substance of asuccessful life. Gandhi’s ways of organizing people, of examining and producing ideas forbringing people together, are important lessons for reducing the present tensions created byglobal trade, commerce, and information technologies. Gandhi measured all decisions againsttruth.

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