IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Liberating oneself and creating Self-identity: An Analysis of Feminist Perspective in Bharati Mukherjee’s Novel “Jasmine”

Main Article Content

Archana Panday,Dr. Savitri Tripathi


Bharati Mukherjee is a feminist author whose focus is on topics and difficulties affecting South Asian women, notably those in India. She supports the cause of women like her contemporaneous feminist authors, but she is different from them in that her main goal is to outline the issues with cross-cultural difficulties faced by Indian women immigrants. This article explores Bharati Mukherjee's imaginary world, her rich life experience, and a sincere portrayal of it in the form of it. Numerous female characters serve as reflections of the oppression of women and the emancipation of Indian women. She also concentrates on expat women characters who have had a great deal of confusion, harsh experiences, and isolation. The issues faced and the heroine's transformation are discussed in this chapter. In "Jasmine," Jyothi makes this clear. The heroines of Bharathi Mukherjee are brash and confident. They have a high capacity for flexibility; they stand firmly on the basis of reality; and they are willing to face the harsh realities of life.In this article, the author intends to detect, evaluate, and present the current status of women and the issues they encounter both in India and overseas. Through Jasmine, the primary character, an attempt is made to paint a picture of women who are hampered by imposed social and conventional rules and punishments that prevent them from leading lives free of such restrictions. The protagonist highlights social problems that have a global impact. The novel's analysis paints a picture of a woman who is not only victimized by men but also evolves as a character with an unwavering determination to overcome obstacles in her path. The goal of the article is to address cultural and social concerns through the eyes of a strong, forceful female protagonist who succeeds in bringing about a societal and cultural shift by cinematically portraying her situation.

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