IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Legal Awareness and Utilization of Empowerment Services among Rural Women

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Mr. Rajavardhan D Hosamani,Husenasab Vanageri


Introduction: In India, socioeconomic development is intricately tied to the role of rural women, who play a significant part in driving the agricultural industry, ensuring food security, meeting dietary needs, and promoting environmental sustainability. Objective: To assess the level of legal awareness among rural women, including their understanding of basic legal rights and entitlements and examine the factors influencing the utilization of empowerment services by rural women. Methodology: This research employs a descriptive design, investigating legal rights awareness among rural women in Byahatti village, Dharwad district. Purposive sampling selects 50 participants based on research Data collected through interviews to understand the rural women's legal awareness and challenges, informing policy interventions for legal empowerment. Results: The study presents survey results on legal awareness and empowerment services. It shows high awareness levels for most topics, such as women's property rights (94%) and helpline numbers for women (56%). However, awareness of the women's welfare center (34%) and services provided by self-help and women's welfare centers (34%) requires improvement. Despite this, a majority (62%) participated in programs related to women's legal rights and services, and 90% expressed satisfaction with women's welfare services. Conclusion: The study results revealed both areas for development and strengths about the existing level of awareness among women regarding their legal rights.

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