IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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» doi: 10.48047/IJFANS/V11/ISS11A/52


The issue of pending cases in Indian courts is a matter of deep concern that has garnered significant attention in recent times. The backlog of cases in the Indian judicial system has reached alarming proportions. The Supreme Court has more than 80,000 cases pending while the 25 high courts had more than 61.7 lakh cases pending while district and subordinate courts had over 4.4 crore cases, taking the total pendency in all courts in the country to over 5 crore case. The growing litigation, delay in disposal, pendency in ordinary law courts are the reasons for the growth and popularity of this ancient but innovative alternative dispute resolution machinery. The Supreme Court of India, while giving effect to Article 39-A, has held in several cases that right to speedy justice and free legal aid is part of Article 21.The new responsibilities of the Bench and the Bar must be assessed in the context of mass discontent and the dynamic rule of law as its answer. Our judicial tryst with social destiny can only be redeemed by a spread out and institutionalized legal services project adjusted to the conditions of our society. This paper is an attempt to understand the need of alternative dispute resolution system as well as social and legal barriers to achieve access to justice by common man.

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