IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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A. Dafny, Dr. H. Santhosha Kumari


This paper deals with the history of ancient port of Pandyan Kingdom Korkai. Korkai was the capital, principal center of trade and important port of the early Pandya kingdom. Korkai has been a cradle of south Indian civilization and as per tradition; it is considered the home of three brothers also supposed to have founded the Pandyas, Cheras and Chola kingdoms. Korkai is sited on an alluvial terrace, above the present-day flood plain of the river. The archaeological finds are about 3m below the terrace level. The ancient port Korkai might have been situated on one of the distributaries of the Tamirabarani close to the sea coast. About 1 km southwest of Korkai there is a settlement called Kanavisamudram, indicating presence of sea or extensive water body nearby. After the decline of Korkai, Palayakayal emerged as a new port, but never rose to the prominence of Korkai. The replacement of Korkai by Kayal might have commenced around the 6th century AD. But its importance as a major port did not take effect till the 12th century AD.

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