IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


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Dr. Madhulika Gupta,Madhuri Ajit Chaudhari,Miss. Dhruvi Gupta


Management Institutes are the core tools of society for the constant pursuit of knowledge. The knowledge management plays a very crucial and critical role in the Management Institutes. Through the application& systematic thinking, Knowledge Management in Management Institute can be individually recognized and considered at clerical, research, Management (teaching and learning developments), student facility and human resource systems. The use of the Knowledge Management in Management Institutes canupgrade teaching and learning processes, give access to scientific resource, formation of the efficacious internal and external communication network, synergy of students and faculty knowledge and enhancement in quality and quantity of research activities. However, effective and efficient accomplishment of Knowledge Management in teaching aspectshave some challenges. The study purposes to examine the challenges and opportunities of Knowledge Management in Management institutions, specifically the role of Knowledge Management in teaching and learning processes. The paper facilitates to understand the challenges linked with the creation of a knowledge environment in Management Institutes, and discovers the opportunities accessible by screening knowledge as an asset.

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