IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876

Issues in Translating Flora and Fauna

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M. Jebamalar Freeda, Dr. K. Hema


A language is developed through its interaction with culture on the planes of time and space. Every human society has culture. Culture is conditioned by the land, the climate, the social customs, the laws, the religions, the language and other factors associated with them in their daily life. All cultures serve to meet the basic needs shared by human beings. Every culture has methods of obtaining food and shelter. Translation, a branch of study, aims at bringing together the nuances of two different cultures and languages, encountering socio- cultural and linguistic codes. The flora and fauna of a particular region is characterized by the climatic conditions; what the species consumes for energy; what predators it has the amounts of heat, light or moisture it needs; and the conditions under which it reproduces. Since the flora and fauna vary from region to region not all languages have the right equivalent for a particular animal or plant. Therefore translation encounters problem while translating a text from one language into another. To take a concrete case, few verses from The Naladiyar written by the Jains in Tamil and their translation in English by G. U Pope have been analysed elaborately. As such, a study has been undertaken in this paper to analyse the issues a translator faces and the strategies he employs while translating a text from Tamil into English that are linguistically and culturally far apart.

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