IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

ISSN PRINT 2319 1775 Online 2320-7876


Main Article Content

Neeraj Jain*, Neelam Jain, Ajeet Gangwar, Aditi Chaudhary, Ravi Kumar


Objective: The present study was aimed on isolation and characterizing of antigen of filaria parasite for better immunomodulation effect of isolated antigen for make it available as ideal vaccine candidate. Methods: Keeping in view their similarity of immune responses to human, the method as previously described in animal is used as model for experimental purpose. Results: Antigen integrity was evaluated by performing the SDS -PAGE of the eluated protein. Antigens were found to be intact in the formulation stored at 4±1ºC after 30 days. Potential immune-effective fraction F6 is identified and isolated from Protein extract. SDS-Page of BmAII and F6 showed bands between 10.0 and > 180kDA and 54 and 68 kDA, respectively. The investigations proved that F6 as a potential source of vaccine candidate(s) and the present study is found satisfactory to select the F6 of B. malayi to recommend it as strong vaccine candidate for future study. Conclusion: These results suggest that the F6 fraction of eluated protein is having promising responses towards vaccine development.

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